In the Universal Consciousness of Oneness embodying Universal Laws, One Nation Enlightened Global Kingdom operates according to Universal Laws teaching, enlightening, and helping one to Elevate into their Divine Consciousness (their Spiritual Higher Self) understanding Spiritual Power, into ‘THE ALL’ of their Existence, into their Greatness. 



A Global Community that exists in the Divine Consciousness of Love, Life, and Light, where one is enlightened to exist in Divine Consciousness, ‘THE ALL’ of who they are.  Thus, creating a light that Guides and Inspires others to exist in their Higher-Self.



In accepting the assignment as Queen, Spirit gave me the following instructions:






1) My default must be Love.
2) Speak to everyone as if I am speaking to the Spiritual Father.
3) Never argue, debate, or try to convert.
4) Quickly get through my emotions, and me forward.
5) Always lookup.

Founder, queen MOTHER Phyllis L-Miata



In 2016, I was given my Spiritual Name, ‘L’,
which stands for Love, Life, and Light. 
On April 30, 2017, Spirit reminded me of my
Universe name, Miata.

I acknowledge and understand my ascension.

queen MOTHER miata






personal message

Grand rising,

I AM Queen Miata, and my life continues to be a Marvelous Ascension.

When I was twelve, my mother made the decision to follow the study of Thought.  My brother and I  (the youngest of five), with my mother, started attending a Church under Founder Dr. Johnnie Colemon, Westside Center of Truth (Minister, Rev. Helen Cooper).   New Thought took me into my thirties. 

In my thirties, I realized I am elevating with the messages the Creator is giving me.   Spirit spoke and I listened, more and more becoming as Spirit directed me on a higher level of wisdom and understanding.  

A higher dimension came in 2016 and what an elevation it was.  I was told to look at the Seven Universal Laws. This was a WOW moment. I had never heard of thee Seven Universal Laws. However, I contextually referenced each one in the book Spirit wrote through me in 2011, ‘God Has Not Forgotten You‘. Listening to the voice of the Creator connects me to the Universal Energy that guides us. Being in sync with the Divine Consciousness of the Universe, allows me to Connect to the ALL. Knowing the laws of Energy, the 7 Ancient Universal Laws, and their names are a surreal confirmation of my past current life’s events.

I AM QUEEN MIATA (I AM MA’AT).  When Spirit gave me the name Miata in 2017, Spirit told me it was the name I am known by each time I incarnate.  At that time, I had no remembrance of the Energy of Maat or my past lives.  I only know to live in the Knowing, in the trusting and listening to the Creator.  The assignment as Queen Miata manifested itself in 2018 when Spirit told me to create a Nation enlightened in the Universal Laws, a nation who understands moving in the temerity of the Divine Force, the Creator’s Energy, within.  

As I continue to learn about the Energy that I bring into this Dimension of Life, I light the world giving others Permission To Be Great.  My third book PermissionTO BE GREAT teaches elevation into Divine Consciousness, the Spiritual Self, One’s Spiritual Being, through the enlightenment and understanding of the 7 Spiritual Principles of Self, which are the principles of the Divine Consciousness, and the 7 Universal Laws.  The Spiritual Self is in Alignment with the ONENESS of the Universe and the Universal Laws.  Spirit has told me that the book PermissionTO BE GREAT‘ represents the end of where most have been and the beginning of where most are going – rising into a world connecting to ‘THE ALL’.  When we walk as light, we give others  Permission TO BE GREAT!  ‘Spiritual Beings rise, live in your Greatness!’  


Queen Miata is a Spiritual Teacher, Humanitarian and Social Entrepreneur.  Queen Miata has a passion for excellence in education. She has been in the educational field for over 20 years. 

Queen Miata earned her B.S. degree from Howard University in 1986. Queen Miata relocated to Georgia in 1994. In 1998, she earned her M.Ed. from Georgia State University and her Administration and Supervision endorsement from the State University of West Georgia in 2002.

As the Founder of  In My Shoes, Inc – The National Parent Education Center and Parents the Power, LLC, Queen Miata uses her gifts to aid parents and youth to live their Greatest potential.

As a Spiritual being, Queen Miata founded One Nation Enlightened Global Kingdom in 2018.  Queen Miata teaches on the  Spiritual Self and the Universal Laws helping people understand their Energy.  As Queen Miata states, ‘In personification, one’s energy is governed by Universal Laws and is creating one’s world whether they are conscious of it or not‘. Queen Miata’s podcasts, videos and books are  listened to, viewed and watched daily by people around the world.

Queen Miata writes from a Spiritual perspective inspiring her readers to turn within, hear, and listen to Spirit, helping them elevate self and their household members to existing from the Spiritual Self, expressing Greatness in their life.

2003, Daily Affirmations for the Students (is presented in the book God has not Forgotten You)
2004, Parents, the Power Behind Your Child’s Success  renamed From Parent to Power.
2011, God has not forgotten You

2017Permission TO BE GREAT
2022, Thee 7-Divine Universal Laws Online Course



Choose to Connect with one in the Light of Agape Love, Life, and Light.Queen Miata

In 2003, Queen Miata was asked to serve as an administrator for an Atlanta Area Alternative School. She recalls it as an eye-opening experience realizing the epidemic of a lack of quality parenting skills, values, morals, wisdom, and knowledge, which causes the hindrance of children from succeeding in school and in life. As she states, “…this constant and consistent behavior had me asking GOD, ‘How do you want me to help these children?’ God would answer, ‘Love and see only love.’ ” 


In 2013, Spirit revealed the 7 Spiritual Principles of Self  and their presentation in the Household DNA Mir to Queen Miata.

IN APRIL 2017, Queen Miata’s latest book ‘Permission TO BE GREAT’  was written.  As Queen Miata states, “The process of writing this book took me to an amazing elevated level of Spiritual submissiveness and openness, where I was so entranced in a cocoon of enlightenment and wisdom transforming me to Greatness and ascending my soul. Choosing to listen to Spirit has transformed my life into a peace and purpose of amazing Greatness. Adhering to the power within to transform our lives, is a humbling experience.”